The Science Behind A Scalp Massage

Category: Massage

Ever wondered why having your head massaged always feels so good? Well why not mimic it at home with a nice scalp massage? Cool fingertips run along your neck, gently rubbing away all the tension from your spine. Massage is one of the most common ways to reduce any stress. It’s a simple complementary medicine technique that involves kneading soft tissues of the body, removing any tension you may have.

Scalp massage helps stimulate the nerves and blood vessels beneath the skin while calming the muscle tension around the head. Getting a scalp massage also helps relieve pain by decreasing the tension in neck which in turn may get rid of headaches or migraines. Migraines are sometimes caused by a decreased level in serotonin, and scalp massage may be able to increase the serotonin levels and relieve the pain. Fingers can work giving you the feeling of calmness but so can a scalp massager tool. Using a scalp massage tool it will knead your scalp providing the same benefits as a massage. Using your fingertips or even a scalp massage tool, you can relieve stress, improve your hairs condition and create a healthy scalp. One of the best tools for scalp massage is known as the Headgasm. It can be purchase online at the Happy Head Massage store for only $15.

Head massage is common practice in Indian cultures. It is a part of the Ayurveda tradition. This scalp massage includes massaging the whole head, including the forehead, face, ears, and chin as well as the neck, shoulders, upper back, arms and hands. Sometimes they even bring in essential oils into the massage helping achieve a meditative state during the massage. Getting a scalp massage is believed to give us balance by reducing the tension, anxiety and stress in the body.

So the next time you have a headache or tension, try a scalp massage. It’s an easy, inexpensive way to feel great.