Taking The Stress Out Of Tax Time >>

This time of year is oftentimes stressful, and “taxing” on our overall health-no pun intended. Whether your ailment is emotional or physical, all types of pain negatively affect a person’s lifestyle and overall well-being. Additionally, it can make it even more difficult to bounce back from setbacks like straining a muscle, stress from paying those […]

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Simple Steps To Improve Your Posture And Get Rid Of Back Pain >>

Back pain, neck pain, and headaches are all becoming more and more of a common problem. This is especially common among those who work in office jobs. Hunching over a computer all day, looking at your phone while you are walking, and sleeping in the wrong position can create a lot of tension in your […]

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Lube Up Before Your Massage >>

As we all know, it is important to keep your body hydrated with water. But many people overlook the benefits of keeping your body extra hydrated, especially if they are going to get a massage. Lack of water in your body creates your blood to become thick which makes it harder for a massage therapist […]

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Can Swedish Massage Improve Your Health? >>

Everyone has questions on really how a massage works. Especially with the different types of massage and techniques that can work out your knots and aches. Massage causes physiological changes in your body through many things. One is the relaxation response. It is an involuntary but predictable response of the nervous system to the massage […]

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